N-N-N-N-Tetrakis 2-Hydroxypropyl Ethylenediamine
Cas No :
Form :
Molecular Weight :
292.41 G/Mol
Molecular Formula :
Boiling Point :
175 - 181 °C
Description :
We are a Leading Manufacturer of N-N-N-N-Tetrakis 2-Hydroxypropyl Ethylenediamine in Vapi. Ethylenediamine-N, N, N, N-Tetra-2-Propanol is used in organic chemical synthesis as a solvent or reactant as well as in automobiles, rockets, and hobby airplanes. Its Applications are Anti-Bloating Agents For Cattle, Electroplating, Synthesis, Urethane Foams. its molecular weight is 292.41 g/mol and the chemical formula is C14H32N2O4. ChemicalBull deals N-N-N-N-Tetrakis 2-Hydroxypropyl Ethylenediamine in all major pharma industries.
Malonates and N,N,N,N-tetrakis(2-hydroxypropyl)ethylenediamine can interlink in chelation chemistry, where malonates may act as ligands in coordination complexes with N,N,N,N-tetrakis(2-hydroxypropyl)ethylenediamine to enhance stability and solubility in industrial or pharmaceutical applications.