Benzoyl Chloride
Cas No :
Form :
Molecular Weight :
Molecular Formula :
Melting Point :
Boiling Point :
196 °C
Solubility :
Ether,Benzene,Chloroform, Benzene, Carbon Tetrachloride, Carbon Disulfide
Flash Point :
72 °C
Description :
We are a Leading Manufacturer of Bupivacaine in India. Bupivacaine is used to numb the area of the body during or after surgery, childbirth, and dental surgery. Its application is Local Anaesthesia. Its molecular weight is 288.4 and chemical formula is C18H28N2O. ChemicalBull deal Bupivacaine in all major pharma industries.
Benzoyl Chloride can react with Ethyl L-Lactate in a nucleophilic acyl substitution reaction, where the lactate's hydroxyl group attacks the carbonyl carbon of the benzoyl chloride, forming an ester linkage.