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A class of hormones known as androgens is essential to the growth and maintenance of masculine traits in both males and females. Although testosterone is the most well-known androgen, the group also contains additional hormones like androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Male testes are the main organs in the body that manufacture androgens, while the adrenal glands also play a minor role. The development of male reproductive organs throughout fetal development, including the testes and prostate, is attributed to testosterone. It controls these tissues throughout through life, impacting sexual function, libido, and sperm production. Furthermore, testosterone is essential for the development of secondary sexual traits such muscular bulk, deepening of the voice, and the growth of body and facial hair.The adrenal glands and ovaries of females create androgens. Androgens are required for a variety of tasks in females, although being present at considerably lower levels than in males. They support muscle mass, bone density, and libido. Because they can be transformed into testosterone and estrogen, androgens like DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) are important for the health of female reproduction. Secondary sexual traits develop as a result of an increase in androgen production experienced by both boys and females during puberty. This causes guys to gain more muscle mass, develop facial and body hair, and have a deeper voice. Androgens play a role in the development of pubic and underarm hair in girls as well as in the morphology of their bodies.Androgens play a variety of vital roles in the body outside of sexual development. They are involved in the regulation of energy levels, mood, and thought processes. Androgens play a role in maintaining muscle mass and bone density in both sexes. On the other hand, females with high testosterone levels may experience acne and hirsutism, or excessive hair development. Androgen therapy is used medically to treat problems like low testosterone (hypogonadism), delayed puberty, and some forms of breast cancer. In contrast, diseases like prostate cancer and hirsutism are treated with drugs called anti-androgens, which block the effects of androgens.All things considered, androgens are a complex class of hormones that play vital functions in the growth and maintenance of both male and female traits. They affect everything from mood and energy levels to reproductive health.