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Compounds called antioxidants are created by the body and can be found in food. They aid in defending cells against harm from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable chemicals that can accumulate in the body as a result of various events, including UV radiation, smoking, pollution, and even regular biological functions like metabolism. Oxidative stress is associated with an excess of free radicals and an inadequate amount of antioxidants to counteract them. This is related to a number of illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, and aging. Antioxidants come in a wide variety, each with special advantages. One of the most well-known antioxidants is vitamin C, which may be found in fruits and vegetables such as bell peppers, oranges, and strawberries. It helps maintain the immune system and guards against cell damage. Vitamin E: This fat-soluble antioxidant is necessary to prevent oxidative damage to cell membranes. It is frequently present in seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils.Beta-carotene: Beta-carotene, which gives fruits and vegetables their vivid colors, is a precursor to vitamin A. It is necessary for both immune system and eye health. Sweet potatoes, spinach, and carrots are great sources. Selenium: A mineral that helps shield cells from harm by combining with other antioxidants like vitamin E. One of the best sources of selenium is brazil nuts. Plant substances known as flavonoids have antioxidant qualities. Berries, tea, and dark chocolate are among the foods that contain them. They have been associated with a lower risk of cancer and heart disease. Lycopene: A potent antioxidant present in pink grapefruit, tomatoes, and watermelon. It has been linked to a lower incidence of prostate cancer.Resveratrol: Known for its possible heart-healthy properties, resveratrol is found in red wine, grapes, and some berries. For general health, eating a diet high in antioxidants is crucial. Antioxidants are best obtained from a range of foods, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. According to some study, eating whole foods provides a variety of nutrients that work synergistically to offer antioxidants, making them more effective than pills. Antioxidant levels can also be raised by various lifestyle choices in addition to nutrition. Healthy antioxidant equilibrium in the body can be achieved through regular exercise, stress reduction, abstinence from smoking and excessive alcohol intake, and all of these things combined.